Помощь в приобретении линий горячего цинкования

    Основная информация (General Information)

    Name of the organization:

    Phone number:

    Fax number:

    Параметры линии горячего цинкования (Hot galvanizing line parameters)

    Estimated volume of galvanized products, thousand tons per year

    (необходимо иметь в виду, что после пуска завода, как правило, прибавляется 10-20% планируемой мощности от заказов сторонних организаций)

    The percentage of the size of galvanized products:
    The percentage of 11-13 meters:    The percentage of 10-8 meters:

    The percentage of 7-5 meters:       The percentage of 2-1 meters:    

    Percentage of less than a meter:

    Dimensions of metal structures, which you intend to galvanize:
    Length, m:    Width, m:    Thickness, m:

    What should be galvanized:

    Maximum weight and dimensions of the product:

    Maximum capacity tons per hour:

    Average production tons per hour:

    Number of hours per shift:

    Number of shifts per day:

    Участок предварительной и химической обработки (Preliminary and chemical treatment area)

    Chemical preparation (etching):

    Shot blasting:

    Описание имеющегося здания и эксплуатационные характеристики (Description existing buildings and operational characteristics)

    Description of the existing building:
    First span:
    Length, m:    Width, m:    Height, m:
    Second span:
    Length, m:    Width, m:    Height, m:
    Height of crane tracks:
    First span, m:    Second span, m:

    Groundwater depth:

    The electric power, kW:

    Additional information:

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